The River Urubamba flows to Brazil from where one had been taken and stripped for many years of all that was precious within her. Now, as if tossed aside on the river bank of a deep valley, surrounded by the highest mountains in another land, she stands empty, hewn out, soothed of the pain with only tender scars remaining by the mighty hands of the One she has come to know as her Maker. Her Maker takes the form of a gentle wind which flows through the valley to create the healing song that now flows through her and up to the mountains. Here on the banks of the Urubamba she has become the instrument that cries out like a low tone of a Peruvian flute and begins to sing, “Glory to God in the highest, for He does all things well!”
Artist Statement
I paint my life’s journey. I am inspired by all things at different times. The journey is filled from the minutest image of the colors of a beetle’s wings to the expression on a face, the vastness of a landscape,
Artistic Process
In my art making process I wait and reach for understanding to all of life’s experiences… that of earthly, spiritual, psychological, and emotional. These experiences become messages woven through atmosphere, color, texture, design, and subject. Art is a journey of